Beautiful girl in the garden

A minor daughter fell in love with a forty-year-old, married neighbor

Olga has two daughters, the youngest is 9 years old, and the eldest is 14 years old.

Recently, the behavior of 14-year-old Julia began to change for the worse. At first Olga thought that it was the transitional age to blame. Later I realized that the reason was different.

The daughter became withdrawn, not sociable, began to be rude to her older and younger sister. Julia was never a perfect child, but she wasn’t a bad one either.

One day, Olga accidentally overheard a conversation on the phone, Julia with her best friend. Olga realized that Julia just fell in love with some Lesha. Apparently the guy did not reciprocate her, from this all the nerves and aggression.

Olga felt very sorry for her daughter, she felt guilty that she did not immediately understand her daughter.

Olga decided to talk to Yulia. The conversation went well. Yulia admitted that she had fallen in love, and said that she was suffering a lot because Lyosha did not respond to her feelings. She didn’t say anything about Lyosha’s age. Olga, delighted with such confidence on the part of her daughter, began to give her advice on how to get the guy’s attention. But I soon regretted it.

They lived on the third floor. One morning Olga heard their new neighbors swearing from the bottom. Olga knew almost nothing about these neighbors.

A man of about forty and his wife of about thirty lived in an apartment on the second floor, they did not have children, perhaps they got married recently.

Both looked wonderful for their years. They often went to the gym, apparently they had a good income. The car was also expensive.

One morning, a neighbor from downstairs came to Olga and wanted to talk, something must have happened to the neighbors, because she was very excited.

After a conversation with a neighbor, anxiety and excitement passed to Olga.

It turns out that Yulia has been terrorizing her neighbor’s family for several months.

Calls Anya (neighbor), makes eyes at Alexey (neighbor), throws notes in the mailbox and much more.

And recently I wrote on the neighbors’ car, on the passenger side, with a marker “Old Nag”.

Olga was shocked by her daughter’s behavior. Calmed the neighbor and promised to deal with this problem.

No conversations with my daughter helped. It just got worse. Alexey himself treated the situation calmly, maybe he was even flattered that such a young girl fell in love with him, but his wife did not like this situation more and more.

Yulia has practically stopped talking to her mother, she believes that her mother does not understand her. Olga tried to use various persuasions and punishments, tried to send Yulia to her grandmother in another city for the summer, but without result. Olga understands that these feelings will pass, and you just have to be patient, but the neighbor is very unhappy. She even promised to write a statement to the PD.

Olga found herself in a terrible situation. Constant scandals and showdowns at home, and all this in front of the youngest daughter. Yulia refuses to go to a psychologist.


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Good beautiful kind sweet girl
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