Handsome boy and puppy dog

Faithful dog

Sasha returned from work late as usual. At the end of the working day, customers came, urgent repairs, the phone was drowned. He didn’t like drowned people, there was a lot of fuss, but the surcharge was good. People are willing to pay as much as they want, just not to be left without a phone.

The age of digital technology has enslaved everyone, people without a smartphone can’t take a step. They even take you to the toilet with them, and then they tell you that they accidentally dropped it.

Again, there is a mess in the yard, old furniture near the trash can, I had to go around, I touched something soft in the mud.

Something whined, the guy swore. He didn’t like animals, the dog bit him as a child. He turned around and walked away, and the puppy was still screaming, as if he had been hit by a car.

Sasha hesitated, the screeching did not subside, I had to go back. He took the puppy in his arms, he immediately calmed down.

– A little simulant, – the guy grinned.

The puppy looked at him and wagged his tail. So he got Mickey, the apartment really had to be changed, the owner did not approve of the animal. But the new apartment turned out to be cheaper and closer to work, and there is also a park nearby.
Mickey grew up and became like Alabai, who and why threw away such a handsome man remained a mystery.
But the boss allowed me to take the dog to work with me, but on the condition that he would not make noise and shit.
Over time, Lyosha saved up money, took out a mortgage, bought a two-room apartment.

One day during a walk there was an acquaintance with Lisa, she came up and began to praise Mickey, and they started talking. A month later, they decided to move in together.

The dog did not recognize the girl, although they did not offend each other, Lisa said that he was just jealous, but Sasha did not really care, the main thing was that they lived together.

Soon the girl announced her pregnancy, but, oddly enough, refused to get married, arguing that they did not need extra expenses, and the stamp in the passport does not change anything.
Pregnancy was difficult, Lisa became very moody, constantly complained about the dog and even jealous of him. Sasha understood that hormones were to blame for everything, but it didn’t make it any easier.

Sasha’s parents came only a couple of times, Lisa’s mom didn’t really like her, but she assured that she wouldn’t interfere with their love. The girl did not show perseverance in communication either, there was nothing else to do but write off everything for pregnancy.

Her parents lived abroad and saw each other only on Skype, they looked at Sasha clearly skeptically, as if he was unworthy of their beautiful daughter, some kind of repairman, big deal. It won’t even provide a decent life.

Alexander did not care about the opinion of his parents or others around him, he still protected his beloved with care and indulged her in everything, and they waited for the firstborn.

The dog seemed to be more pleased with the child than the parents. He sat next to me for hours, didn’t bark, let me play with his fur and ears.
The young mother increasingly began to drive Mickey away from the baby, shouted for no reason, and the child began to get sick and cry for days on end.
Lisa kept saying that the dog was to blame for everything and it was necessary to get rid of him, allergies, what was unclear? The allergy was indeed confirmed, but not to the dog, but to dust.

But the girl was unshakable, she began to blackmail: either the family or the dog. It’s hard to choose between my son and my best friend, but I had to.

Sasha took Mickey and went with him to the train station. The dog, as always, was happy about the walk and did not suspect that it would be delayed. Having reached the forest, the guy let the dog off the leash and went into the forest with him, they walked all night, and the next morning Sasha ordered to wait for him and left.
Mickey waited until nightfall in the same place, and then realized that the owner would not come for him and howled. A girl in a neighboring village heard a plaintive howl and took him to her.

Returning to the city, Sasha could not go home, it was painful to realize that he had to get rid of a friend, decided to spend the night at work. The next morning, the work didn’t go well, so he just sat in the closet all day, he didn’t want to eat.
After the realization, the pain surged. It was impossible, it was impossible, and that’s it. He will have to go home, he has a family now, a wife, a son, not up to a dog.
There was a pile of old furniture lying around the trash cans again, memories came flooding back. I entered the apartment and froze, the baby is lying in the crib, and Lisa is with some man in their bed. Even the child was not ashamed. Sasha went to the cupboards, started throwing Lisa’s things away and shouting, then, calming down, asked how long it had been going on.
It turned out that the man is the real father of the child, and their relationship has been going on for a very long time.

Sasha ran out of the apartment and ran to the train station. It was already dark when I got to the place where I left Mickey, I didn’t find him, I started shouting and calling him, silence. For a long time he wandered through the forest, and then fell dead, had not eaten for a long time, lost consciousness.
Mickey, sensing something was wrong, began to scratch and howl, the worried girl let him out into the street and ran after him. Suddenly he sees a dog dragging a man with the last of his strength. The girl rushed to them. Alive, unconscious just.

Dragged home, Anya, that was the girl’s name, began to bring the guy to his senses, woke up, heard Mickey whining and immediately jumped up. He threw himself on his knees, snuggled up to the dog, who listened in silence, then licked his nose and wagged his tail. Forgave, therefore.
Anya liked not only Alexander, the dog immediately recognized her, caressed her, played with her, felt that he was a good person.

We got to know each other better, everyone told their own story, even became friends. Sasha began to get ready to go home, called the dog with him, but he refused, huddled in a corner. And again the same choice. No betrayal this time. Anya suggested leaving Mickey and coming to visit.

– Well, since you’re leaving him, maybe I’m at the same time? I eat less, but the benefits are greater. Look how profitable it is!

Mickey barked with displeasure, understood everything. No offense. Since fate has decided everything, is it possible to contradict her? And the dog will not advise anything bad, maybe it’s worth starting all over again?

So the three of them began to live together. And who does not believe in love at first sight, he just looks bad.


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