Good beautiful kind sweet girl

My girlfriend’s father is my lover

I was born and raised in a small town. When it was time to apply to the institute, I chose a bigger city. I have always dreamed of becoming a translator of foreign languages. Since I studied well at school, it was not difficult for me to enroll.

There I immediately had a girlfriend, with whom we went on vacation together after the end of the first year. Over the summer, we became even more friends, and she began to invite me to her house often. That’s where I met her parents.

Her mom doesn’t work anywhere, runs the house, and dad has some kind of business of his own. Both are in their early forties.
I became so much my own there that most of their holidays could not do without me. We went to the dacha in full. And soon I began to notice that her dad looks at me with sympathy and sometimes does not even avoid accidental touches. At first, I did not attach any importance to this, you never know what it seemed to me.

One winter I caught a bad cold somewhere, so I didn’t pass one exam. The teacher got into the situation and said to come after the new year, retake. My friend left for the New Year holidays to visit relatives in another city. And I just needed one manual, which she should have had. I called her, she told me to go to her house and that she would warn Dad.

At first I just came and started looking for a book. When I found her, I was about to leave, but her dad blocked the door for me. I don’t remember exactly what he said to me, but I suddenly went to meet him and soon we were on my friend’s couch, where we slept together.

In the morning I felt ashamed of my behavior, for some reason I did not immediately understand what I had done. I wanted to leave their house as soon as possible, but her father wouldn’t let me go anywhere. I stayed there first for the weekend, and then until Wednesday. And by the end of these days spent together, I realized that I fell in love with this man firmly and irrevocably. He was exactly who I’ve been looking for all these years, no matter how corny it may sound.

In the evening, his wife called him and said that they were already on their way back. I had to leave, but I didn’t want to do it so much. I just wanted to be with him and not let him go anywhere. I had to leave, but after a week he rented an apartment for us and we started spending time there together.

At first I didn’t know how to look into my friend’s eyes, because she doesn’t know anything. But then I even found the strength to tell her in general terms about the person I had. We have been together for the third year. And at some point he also confessed to his wife that he had a young lover.

A friend once told me that my father would never leave the family, because his business was registered to her mother, and in case of divorce he would receive only half. And everything would be fine, but I’m expecting a baby, for the second month now.

A friend knows and advises to give birth. That’s the irony… If only she knew that I was actually carrying her brother or sister under my heart. And I do not know what to do. But we need to decide immediately, while the deadline is still small, whether to leave it or not.


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