Beautiful girl in the kitchen housewife

Schemer and gossip girl. It’s boring for her to live without gossip

Everyone in our area knows Masha!!! She is cheerful and always happy to meet new people. Masha works as a cleaner in a local Magnet. In one day, she manages to communicate with a large number of people. She really likes it, because Masha loves gossip and intrigue. Unfortunately, some of her gossip has bad consequences.

She is very fond of spreading information that has not been carried out or adding her own details to it.

Everyone knows that Masha can’t be trusted, but they still can’t resist and often become victims of her intrigue. I would like to say that Masha accidentally becomes a distributor of gossip, but unfortunately everyone has long understood that she does it on purpose, as she loves to watch and listen to other people’s showdowns.

Recently, my neighbor also became a victim of Masha’s gossip. Lilya, in a conversation with Masha, had no caution, to complain about her husband. She said that her husband, sitting on self-isolation, was tired of the children, as if they were not his relatives. And then it started!!!

In a couple of days, the whole district has already learned about the news about non-native children. And a week later, Lily’s husband found out about it. As luck would have it, both daughters look not like him, but like Lilya.

Scandals began in Lily’s family. Lilya almost every day began to justify herself to her husband that it was all gossip. Then she remembered that she had only talked to Masha about this topic, but she did not attach any importance to this conversation at the time.

After learning that I was going to the Magnet, Lilya asked me to find out if Masha was working today, and to warn her that Lilya wanted to talk to her in the evening.

I did so. In the evening, the whole district was talking about the fact that Lilya would come to “beat Masha’s face”.

In a conversation with Lily, Masha certainly did not admit that it was she who spread such a rumor, but now everyone is afraid to communicate with Masha even more.

No one knows why Masha needs it, because she seems to be an adult woman with two children. Apparently she is bored to live without gossip.


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