When Andrey and I got married, we immediately decided to live separately from our parents. At first they lived in rented apartments, and then, when finances began to allow, they took housing on a mortgage.
I had a good relationship with my mother-in-law, I always considered her a sensible and reasonable woman. Sometimes I even turned to her for advice.
Everything changed overnight when her scary daughter decided to get married.
Alevtina Ivanovna was on the 7th heaven of happiness when her 35-year-old daughter announced that she was getting married soon. And for joy, she rewrote her apartment to her daughter, so that the young had their own nest.
However , a month later , the daughter came to her mother and said:
– Seryozha and I thought and decided that we want to live together, the apartment is registered to me, so … in general, you need to leave.
– What are you talking about? Where will I go?
– To Andrey, he has a bigger apartment. And in general, old parents live with their sons!
We lived with my mother-in-law for 1 month under the same roof, and I already want to run away from home without looking back. All illusions about the fact that my mother-in-law is a wonderful person instantly disappeared. Now I understand why her daughter did this to her.
When Andrey is around, his mother-in-law behaves like a sweet and caring old lady, and as soon as he leaves, that’s it, Alevtina Ivanovna turns into a vixen.
One day I found her in our bedroom, rummaging through my things.
– And what are you spending my husband’s money on? – my mother-in-law reproached me, holding my negligee in her hands – there was no such shame in our time.
Then she started throwing away the food I had prepared, saying, they say, I’m feeding her son some kind of filth.
I tell my husband, sort it out with your mom, and in response I only hear:
– Dasha, you’re an adult, Mom wants it better, how can you understand it?
Well, of course, where should I go. I get the impression that his mother decided to drive me out of the house. I don’t know what to do.
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