Wedding photography, bride and groom with a bouquet, wedding

The young took a loan for the wedding, and a week later they divorced with a scandal!

Good afternoon, dear readers! I would like to tell the story of my friends. It is very instructive, because it will help future newlyweds to avoid many troubles. It was told to me by people who come to see me.

You may have noticed that most often in my stories we are talking about weddings. What to do, these are the most popular stories in my office. So! Elena, who came to see me at the reception, told me about this story. She really wanted a luxurious celebration, but her future husband was not against it. They did not have the necessary amount of money for a chic wedding, so the young people decided to take a bank loan for the wedding. Said and done, and a few days later the couple decided to divorce with a big scandal. How so?

Lena and Grigory have been dating for several years. During this time, the couple several times converged, diverged, cursed and measured. In general, their life together is definitely not boring. When, in the end, the young decided that they could not live without each other, they applied to the registry office. The bride has dreamed of a magnificent wedding since childhood, she wanted her family and friends to not forget about the holiday for a long time. The groom was only in favor. The couple had no money, so they decided to take out a loan. I didn’t want to borrow from someone I knew, and the amount was too serious. Young people have been pricing for a long time, not knowing exactly what amount they need. Lena looked at a dress in the store that cost more than 70 thousand rubles. At first Grisha tried to dissuade his beloved, but she was adamant. I want to! He conceded. The young people hoped that the money spent on the wedding would more than return after. They took about 4 hundred thousand rubles from the bank, not thinking much about the fact that they would have to give much more.

What was such a lot of money supposed to go for? In addition to the gorgeous bride’s dress, a pretty tidy sum went to cars, hall decoration, a banquet, a photographer and other expenses that no one will remember. The wedding was a great success. The bride was simply beautiful, the guests drank, ate, congratulated the young.

But after a few days Lena hated her legitimate husband and poured mud on him. She cried for a whole week. What could have happened to this young and once loving couple? It turned out that the newly-made spouse cheated on Lena right after the wedding, and she saw it all with her own eyes. All close friends supported Lena and cursed Grigory. They sent him angry messages.
Grisha began to drink heavily. But not so much because of the separation from his wife, but because of the loan. It was he who took it from the bank. In addition to the money that was borrowed, he spent all his savings. And all the money that was left after the celebration, and even donated, remained with Lena. On the offer to somehow share, the girl refused, arguing that compensation for treason.

Without thinking twice, the girl filed for divorce. No amount of persuasion helps. Who just didn’t talk to her. They explained to her that everything happens in life, but is it really impossible to forgive. Especially since they have known each other for so many years and have already got used to each other. But the girl does not want to listen to anyone or anything and insists on a divorce.

The young man is not up to feelings at all right now. He says he agrees to a divorce if she returns half of the amount taken. He sincerely does not understand why one should sweat and pay all the money. Despite the fact that the money was taken before the marriage, he believes that they should give it together. Elena, of course, does not agree. Grisha promises to go to the police and accuse Lena of fraud. Here is such a wedding turned out!

You can never hope that a wedding will fix everything, especially if the relationship was already not the best. In addition to unnecessary problems, this couple received nothing, especially the groom. How could you take money from the bank, hoping for gifts from friends? The stupidest story! Do you agree?


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