Man with a beard fisherman, look

Why is she doing this to me?

I’m not sure that someone likes to “dig” in someone else’s underwear, but I want to share with you a story from my life, which, given the mores of the modern world and our harsh realities, where loyalty, honesty and devotion are an empty phrase, can happen to anyone.

While studying at the institute, or rather in the third year, I was then 19 years old, I fell head over heels in love with a girl who was a year younger than me. As it happens at that age, I fell in love so much that I couldn’t look at anyone else. The idea that I was nobody to her and she could afford to go out with anyone just terrified me. After much thought, I definitely and irrevocably decided — I’m getting married!

I gathered courage and determination, gathered my thoughts, made an offer. Now we are husband and wife!

“You were still so young to get married,” you will think. But at that moment, the head and every cell of the soul and body was overflowing with love for another person. There was no place for thoughts about studying, and it seemed that if not now, then when would the “right age” be? Life is one.

In the first year of our life together, we had a son. The level of happiness simply cannot be described in words. There are no words that could convey those feelings of elation. The earth is floating away from under my feet, there is a smile on my face, tears in my eyes, and trembling all over my body.
Time passed, the baby grew up. The first spoken words, the first steps. All this is incredible and unforgettable.
After 8 years, we also had a daughter. There is an opinion that daughters love more fathers. At that moment, I felt infinitely happy again. The happiest man on planet Earth.

Here it is — happiness. This is the family I’ve always dreamed of.
After graduation, there was a choice of work. It was obvious that I needed to provide not only for myself, because I also have responsibility for my family: my wife and child.

It was clear that I would not work in the specialty I had received, because the salary was too small. And then, I don’t even remember who, the idea came that you can go to serve in the army. Well, why not? They pay well there and, accordingly, the wife can afford not to work at all, but to devote herself to raising children.

Transfers to various military units of our (and not only ours) there were many countries. Traveled if not all, then most of it, because of the service, for sure. As a result: several awards and injuries, and, accordingly, early retirement.

He left the army at the age of 42. Stay at home? No, not an option. I can’t sit still, and money is never superfluous. I decided to go to work in the once received specialty in a large company. To say that I liked this job is to say nothing. He gave his best, and this never goes unnoticed. After a few years, I had a good career advancement, and I took the position of deputy general director and co-owner. Therefore, as you can already understand, my family did not have financial problems and still does not.

At the moment I am 60 years old, my wife, respectively, is 59.

The story that happened to us was after 40 years of living together.
40 happy years, which were filled with absolute trust, loyalty, as it seemed to me, and mutual love. Not once in all the years of our life together have we had quarrels on the topic of jealousy.

The children have grown up. The two of them work in the police.

My son’s career turned out better — the head of the department, the officer, the colonel’s shoulder straps. The daughter is an ensign.
Our children made us happy once again by assigning us the status of grandparents. It’s still great to watch the continuation of its kind.

Despite the fact that the years, as they say, do not spare anyone, my wife remained as slim and beautiful as she once was at 18, without turning to plastic surgeons.

Every day, returning from work, I thanked God for giving me such a beautiful wife, children and love, which we managed to carry through so many years.

Natasha (my wife) has been working in a promising company for more than ten years, while her intelligence was appreciated and she managed to take the position of head of the marketing department. Due to her specialty, she often had to go on business trips. In recent years, business trips have become very frequent, but nothing can be done. Work is work.
Most often, her work trips were to Krasnoyarsk, but, as a loving wife and mother should, she called every day, sometimes several times a day, told how her day went, asked if everything was fine at home without her, said that she was bored and endlessly waiting for her return.

One day, the company where I work signed a contract with Krasnoyarsk suppliers and I, as deputy general director, had to go there for the final solution of all organizational issues. After the successful conclusion of the deal, I was invited to the office of my superiors and, as expected, a chic table with drinks and snacks was laid there.

Looking around the office, I was surprised by the cozy atmosphere: chic lamps, an aquarium with fish, photos on the table. When I started looking at these photos, I noticed that the director of the supplier company was hugging my Natasha on them. My breath caught in my throat. My heart stopped.

I tried not to show my emotions and asked in a cold tone who the woman was, to which their owner replied: “this is my favorite woman! We have been together for more than one year!”. Then he started describing her, praising her, saying that she was the perfect hostess. But the only thing that bothered him in their relationship was her mother, to whom she is forced to visit often because she has serious health problems.

When I listened to his revelations, I was hurt and annoyed. I couldn’t believe that my Natasha was capable of such meanness, such deception. It seemed to me that I would not restrain myself and kill him right here, on this very spot.
He invited me to his country house, where, according to him, the best place in the world, and at the same time he will be able to personally introduce me to his beloved. I accepted the invitation.

We arrived. We enter the house. It was obvious that Natasha, seeing me, immediately changed her face, turned white.
It was becoming increasingly difficult to restrain myself at that very moment, so I turned around and left this house with a quick step.
I called a taxi and immediately went to the airport. I bought a ticket for the next flight. I was sitting in the waiting room and still couldn’t believe that all this was reality, and not a nightmare.

In my head there are only thoughts “how could she?”, “why did she do this to me?”…

On a nervous basis, I had a stroke. Fortunately, it turned out that I was under observation in the hospital for about a month. In order not to disturb me, my phone was taken away from me. Natasha called, tried to get in touch with me, but I didn’t want to see or hear her.

After my discharge from the hospital, Natasha came and tried to find some ridiculous excuse for her actions, apologized for her act, there was even a moment when she wanted to make me guilty of everything.

I listened to all this and realized that I could no longer watch her fall in my eyes. That was the end of our dialogue with her.
I didn’t tell the children anything, but a few months later, I offered her to tell them everything. They are already adults, they should understand.
Now, the moment of truth has come: children know everything. She felt ashamed and it is clear that she receives only the contempt of close people for her act in her address, so she decided to return to her lover.

A year later, her new husband died, and his children could not accept a new stepmother, so Natasha returned to our city again. But we hardly communicate.


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