The look of a beautiful girl

Fellow travelers

Varya came to the village to visit her grandmother. She hasn’t been here for a long time. Grandma was waiting for her very much, and Varya herself wanted to visit her. But there was one big problem.

Grandma’s village was seven kilometers from the village. There were buses to the village, but you had to get to the village yourself. Either walk for almost two hours, or look for someone to give you a ride.

And so grandma finally came to an agreement with a neighbor who had an old penny. He agreed to pick up Valentina Ivanovna’s granddaughter, and then, the next day, take her back to the train station. That’s what we agreed.

An overcrowded old bus brought Varya to the village. And when she got out, she immediately came across the red car of Uncle Kolya’s neighbor.

“I don’t recognize you,” he said cheerfully. – What a beauty she has grown.

Varya smiled. He said those words to her whenever he saw her. Even though Uncle Kolya was already sixty years old, he was still a real gentleman.

He quickly drove her to her grandmother’s house, and there a set table was already waiting for Varya. They chatted with Grandma until nightfall, and the next day Varya began to help her in the morning. Her grandmother was a very lively old lady, but still age took its toll. And it was already difficult for her to tinker with the garden and the household.

Varya often persuaded her grandmother to move to the city. The girl’s parents died, and she was left with only her grandmother. And once again Varya started talking about moving.

– Grandma, my apartment is big, we will live wonderful with you. You will bake pies for me, and it will be easier for you. No need to heat the stove, no need to plow in the garden! And we will go to the village as to the country.

– Well, no, – Valentina Ivanovna waved off as usual, – so that I would trade my house for your cage? And what am I going to do there? Sit by the window? And you’re a young girl. The grooms will come to you, but here I am at home. No, Varenka, I’m not leaving here.

Varya just sighed. Grandma was stubborn, and did not understand that Varya was worried about her. What if she gets sick? The ambulance won’t get here fast! And the connection in the village was not very good. There was no net in the house, you had to go to the far end of the garden to make a call.

But Grandma couldn’t be persuaded.

In the evening, at exactly seven o’clock, Uncle Kolya knocked on the door.

“The last bus is in an hour,” he said.

“I remember,” Varya shouted, “I’m almost ready.”

– Well, that’s great.

The man waited for Valentina Ivanovna’s granddaughter, and then took her to the village.

There were a lot of people at the station. Varya hurried to buy a ticket, and when she already had it in her hands, Uncle Kolya waved his hand at her and went home.

Varya was sitting at the train station, waiting for the bus. It was not far from the city, about an hour’s drive. And she was already dreaming about how she would be at home and make herself a bath with hot water and fluffy foam. Of course, it’s great in the village, but the girl is used to the benefits of civilization.

The bus should have arrived by now. People began to grumble, and Varya became nervous. Someone couldn’t stand it and went to find out when they were going.

“There won’t be a bus today,” the cashier muttered, calling somewhere. – He broke down. You can hand over your tickets.

At first, Varya was just upset that the bus was canceled, and then the whole horror of the situation reached her.

She’s at the train station, the next bus won’t be until tomorrow. The village is seven kilometers away, and it’s already getting dark. And you need to go through the forest, even along a well-trodden path.

Varya started calling her grandmother to ask Uncle Kolya to come back for her. She hoped the call would go through, but it didn’t. Then she tried to call Uncle Kolya, wishing he had a better connection. But even that one’s phone was unavailable.

Varya handed over the ticket, and then went to ask people if anyone was going to the village. But, unfortunately, there was no one who would be on the way.

The fear was getting stronger. She tried to call a taxi from the city, not caring how much it would cost. But there was no luck either. There were no cars coming here.

Then Varya turned to the cashier, and asked if anyone was going at least in the direction of the city. And I received a negative response. And, of course, there were no hotels here.

It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. It’s a stupid and hurtful situation. It seems that she is surrounded by people, but no one can help her in any way. It also turns out that the train station is closed for the night. That is, Varya needs to either wait until morning on a bench, or at her own risk go through the forest to the village.

Apparently, she looked very confused. Because a car suddenly stopped near her.

– Girl, is something wrong? The young man behind the wheel asked. Another man was in the passenger seat.

“The bus to the city was canceled, I don’t know how to get there,” she muttered.

– We are just going to the city, let’s take you there, – the man smiled.

Varya looked at the driver and passenger and shook her head negatively. It is unknown where she will be taken. Getting into a car with two men is a lottery.

The driver smiled and turned off the car.

– Don’t worry, we’re not maniacs. I’m coming from my parents, and this is my friend. And to prove it to you, I’m going to show you something now.

He got out of the car and opened the trunk.

– Would a maniac drive a box of strawberries and three cans of cucumbers in his expensive car? He asked with a smile. – And in the fall, various vegetables and bags of potatoes will go in this trunk.

Varya smiled. He seemed quite normal, but all sorts of maniacs also disguise themselves as decent people. Varya just watched a documentary recently.

– And I’m also married, – the passenger leaned out of the window.

He showed her the ring, and then, taking out his phone, showed her a photo of the child.

– And this is my daughter. I just turned one year old.

Varya was confused. Spending the night outside the train station seemed like something terrible. But it was also scary to go with strange men.

As luck would have it, she didn’t have many friends in the city by car. I had a friend, but she is currently on vacation in another country. And another acquaintance, with whom she is only vaguely familiar. It’s really inconvenient to ask.

“All right,” Varya agreed. And she wrote to her several girlfriends the number and make of the car. If anything, she’ll say that she’s hedged her bets and they’ll be found if they’re up to something bad.

Varya sat down, feeling uncomfortable. She was also scared. But it was too late to retreat.

The car started moving, and they drove towards the city.

– My name is Lyosha, – the driver introduced himself.

“And I’m Seryozha,” the passenger said.

“Varya,” the girl replied in a hoarse voice.

– Does someone live in your village? Lyosha asked.

– No, in the village. Grandmother. But it’s seven kilometers to the village, I didn’t dare go back,” she replied, looking out the window.

“I understand,” the driver said, “even I wouldn’t risk walking seven kilometers in the dark.

Lyosha and Seryozha laughed, and Varya also smiled involuntarily.

– Are you working, studying? Alexey continued to ask.

– I’m working. Graphic design.

“Cool,” his friend said, glancing at Varya.

– And I work in a security agency, – Lyosha smiled through the rearview mirror.

– Are you protecting people? The girl asked with a smile.

– Buildings are more often under our protection. Do you know that there are alarms in different stores? If this works, we’ll come. But sometimes people have to be guarded.

“And I’m just a bank manager,” Sergei said with mock sadness.

The longer they drove, the more Varya calmed down. And when the lights of the city appeared, she finally exhaled.

– Where are you going? Alexey asked.

– Yes, you will drop me off somewhere, I will order a taxi, – the girl said hurriedly.

– Come on, I’ll take you home. What if they’re maniacs? “What is it?” he asked in an intimidating voice.

Varya laughed and gave the address.

First, they dropped Sergei off. They poured strawberries for Tom, gave him one jar of cucumbers and said goodbye to him. And only then Lyosha took Varya home.

“Thank you,” she said when they stopped at the entrance.

“Well, you can’t put it in your pocket,” he drawled.

Varya was embarrassed.

– Of course, how much do I charge?

Lyosha immediately laughed, looking at the girl’s confused face.

– A lot. A phone number and a promise that we’ll see each other again.

She smiled and gave me her number. She also got a bag of strawberries and, after thanking Alexey once again, she went home.

And in the evening she received a message:

“It’s so good that your bus broke down.”

The girl smiled and sent a smiley face in response. No wonder they say that everything is for the best.

A month later, Varya came to visit her grandmother again. Except now it’s not on the bus. And not alone.


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