Pretty girl, earrings in her ears

New girl

We have a very friendly entrance. They were the first to install an intercom in the house, made repairs on the stairs, and put pots of indoor flowers on the window sills to everyone’s envy.

And who organized all this? Me and Lidia Ivanovna from apartment 17! Neighbors respectfully call our tandem “domkom”, and behind our eyes (they think we don’t know) they call us “brownies”. We are not offended. After all, “brownie” comes from the word “house”, and the entrance and its inhabitants are not strangers to us…

Boring life cheered up a little when a new inhabitant moved into apartment 13 (the one opposite mine) — a beautiful, petite blonde. Soon her move became the main topic of conversation in kitchens, stairwells and smoking rooms.

“No one knows anything about her,” a friend told me when we met by chance in a vegetable store. — No husband, no children. She dragged the cat out with her. Divorced, I guess…

“So young?” I was amazed. The neighbor looked about 25 years old…

— Ha! – the friend snorted. – Don’t you know how young people live these days? One or two – a wedding, then the first scandal — and they run to get divorced,” she added, rummaging through the boxes with tangerines.

“We need to look at the new girl,” I told my friend on the way home. — After all, she joined our family… Said and done. I began to watch my neighbor. Through the peephole. And what I saw!

— She stays at home forever. And men come to her every day! – I shared with my friend the information I had obtained. — Yesterday an elegant young man visited her, and recently an elderly balding man showed up.

Listen, Masha, here’s what I’ve come up with… Luda began.

But the neighbor’s door clanged and I hung up and ran to my observation post. I got there just in time.

—…Then I’m waiting for your call,” the blonde cooed, seeing off the bald man.

The girl was wearing a short black dress with a deep neckline and high-heeled shoes. “The hair is styled, the makeup is like war paint… Our people don’t go home like this! — I said to myself and left the post.

But before I had time to drink tea, there was a noise on the playground. “Again, someone tripped over cans of paint near apartment 5. It is necessary to warn them to clean up – and pour another cup of tea. Watching the neighbor brought surprises every day. And I generously shared these surprises with my friend:

Yesterday, two handsome men spent almost three hours with her. And less than 10 minutes later, an old man came running. It’s time for him to go to the churchyard, and he looks at the young ones!

— Masha! I understand everything! At your playground… – Petrovna coughed to make a pause, – a brothel!

— What are you saying?!

— Well, think about it yourself. An attractive young woman. Doesn’t work anywhere, only accepts men. What are they doing there? Do they read poetry? You have a smart neighbor, you can’t say anything.

And I decided to act decisively…

“There are so many men hanging around you,” I muttered as I stood behind the blonde in the checkout line. — A young man came the other day… The neighbor did not deign to pay attention to me.

— Maybe your fiance? — I was trying to find out when she was already putting the purchased products in the bag. Wine, branded cake, two boxes of expensive sweets, bags of mango, avocado and kiwi — I appreciated her purchases with a glance.

— Yes, the products are expensive now. Apparently. well-provided. Do you receive alimony from your husband or other income? — without becoming sarcastic, I asked her directly.

The blonde looked at me with undisguised hostility, she was about to answer something, but at that moment her phone rang.

“In half an hour?” Yes, come. I’m in the store now, but I’ll make it,” the blonde promised and disconnected.

I returned home before her (the new girl has not mastered the short way through the yards yet) and went out to drink flowers in the entrance. Another 10 minutes later, two fashionably dressed brunettes and some guy called at the neighbor’s door. “Are women really worth it?!” — I was surprised and signaled this to my friend.

— Did you fall from an oak tree, Masha? What of the fact that women? Haven’t you heard about the current outrages? Triangles, quadrilaterals and more pig… some kind of swinsters! Sheer piggishness,” said the friend.

The next day I had to leave the “post” — I had to go to the polyclinic. Instead of herself, she left a faithful companion near the peephole. She didn’t let me down. As soon as I entered the apartment…

— She was punished! — Ivanovna immediately began to broadcast grandiloquently, like the heroine of her favorite series. — God sees everything. The blonde stumbled over cans of paint, and fell down the stairs. I dislocated my leg, bruised my forehead,” she reported. — An ambulance arrived and took our beauty to the hospital.

All evening I’ve been thinking that there is justice in the world after all! How shamelessly the girl behaved, not shy of human eyes, so life punished her. I can’t say that I was very happy about it. But, I confess, somewhere in the depths of my soul I felt satisfaction. And when I was already going to bed, someone would ring the doorbell.

— And who did it bring at such a time? — dissatisfied, she trudged into the corridor.

— Well, who’s there?!

“Don’t be afraid, I just want to ask,” a soft baritone answered outside the door. I slightly opened the door, but prudently did not remove the chain.

— Who are you going to? — I saw a young brunette in a gray coat for the first time.

— I’m going to see Anna Sergeevna, but apparently she’s not at home. I called both the home phone and the mobile, but no one answers.. do you know where she is?

— What a tragedy for me! No knowledge! — I abruptly cut the man off and was about to slam the door in his face.

— Maybe you know what happened? – I asked with hope in my voice. “Of course! Happened. Your Anna Sergeyevna fell down the stairs, bumped her ass,” I thought gloatingly.

— An accident. They took the neighbor to the hospital. And when he’ll be back, I don’t know! The guy was very upset and didn’t even hide it. “Is it really that hot for a man?” she wondered, sending him the most sarcastic of her smiles.

— I see… — the blonde’s client still couldn’t come to his senses. — Nothing can be done… I’ll come back in a week. Only where can I find a competent auditor so quickly! – I said in my heart.

— What?! The auditor?! I asked, but the man was already coming down. So she’s an auditor, like my daughter-in-law Tanya?! And that’s why he works at home! Oh, but it’s true, Tatiana sits with my two-year-old granddaughter and sometimes takes work from home. And I, stupid, made up such a thing… God, what a shame!

The next day, from the kitchen window, I saw a taxi pull up to our entrance. The driver helped the blonde to disembark, and she limped home. I quickly cut off a large piece of homemade cake and hurried to the landing. The elevator hummed, then quieted down, rumbled and the doors swung open. The neighbor took a step, but when she saw me, she stopped.

— I heard that an accident happened to you. So I am… the gift is my favorite pie “Drunk Cherry”…

— Thank you – she was confused. – Please come to me – invited, opening her door. — Let’s have tea and talk, neighbors after all. Anya turned out to be a very nice girl, and her cat Eva is such a darling! When her mistress leaves for a couple of days to her parents living in the district center, Eva moves in with me. And the two of us are looking forward to the blonde’s return from apartment No. 13…


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