Cute chic beautiful girl

A special gift

That’s the end of the working day. On the way home, I ran into the store to buy groceries for the festive table. I didn’t forget about a bottle of cognac for Dima. The final touch is sandwiches with caviar on the table and a quick shower. A new turquoise-colored suit and tweaked makeup plus a few drops of your favorite perfume.

Sitting comfortably in a chair in front of the TV, I tuned in to waiting. It seemed that time had also stopped waiting.

Seven, eight o’clock. “Never mind, it’s too early,” I consoled myself. Nine, ten. Time passed, and Dmitry was still not there. Not even a call or SMS. At 11 o’clock I realized that there would be no miracle. He’s not coming…

Why was I waiting for him on this particular holiday on March 8? Yes, because he always congratulated me during the five years that we were together.

We met when we were already under 30. Two lonely hearts who have not yet met their soulmate. For five years we were in a free relationship. Both Dimka and I liked a carefree life without promises. This type of relationship, in my opinion, had more minuses than pluses. For example: we were constantly arguing about who should do the housework or pay for theater tickets. It was not forbidden to spend time with friends and come home well after midnight.

We quarreled, didn’t trust each other and staged scenes of jealousy. Another scandal ended with the departure of Dimka, who gave a sincere promise that this was the end of the relationship. Our love was mutual, so we couldn’t stand being alone for more than 3 days. They came together again and made up violently on the bed of their rented studio apartment.

Another quarrel occurred before the New Year holidays. Dima invited me to celebrate the New Year with his parents, and I dreamed of a fabulous New Year’s Eve just the two of us. We had a serious fight. I said a lot of unpleasant words to him in my heart and even called him a mommy’s son. He left, throwing the keys on the table and slamming the door.

Two days later, I heard the door being opened with a key. Dimka appeared on the threshold and was frowning.
— This is for you! He handed me a huge white teddy bear and a bag of groceries.
— Mom handed over the groceries. You’re wrong, of course, but I can’t do without you.
“I’m without you, too,” I whispered. — Let’s not quarrel anymore!
— Only “for”! — the beloved smiled.

It wasn’t there. My best friend Jackdaw invited us to celebrate the New Year at her dacha. Dimka and I agreed – let there be a golden mean. That’s where our next fight took place.

A lot of people gathered. The company drank amicably for the coming year, and after twelve everyone found something to do according to their interests. Some were already pretty drunk, some were dancing, and some were napping. Dimka was among those who continued to eat at the festive table. He was indifferent to dancing, and I really wanted to dance. Therefore, when my friend’s brother invited me, I did not refuse.

In my opinion, Vlad had a little too much, because his hugs were getting tighter. He was holding me by the waist with one hand, and the other was already groping my chest. At first Dimka didn’t even look in our direction, but when Vlad picked me up in his arms and I screamed, he turned his head. Dima took my partner by the breasts and offered to go out into the yard. Realizing that it smells fried, I blocked their way.

— Put aside the showdown on New Year’s Eve! Is it clear?!
— Maybe it’s not him who is superfluous, but me? Dmitry frowned.
— Don’t talk nonsense! I was angry. — You don’t want to have fun yourself and you don’t give it to others!
— I’m sorry, I won’t bother you anymore, — my beloved snorted sarcastically. — Walk on, and I’m leaving.

— Are you leaving? Without me? I whispered resentfully.
— You’re fine without me! he grinned.
He pushed me away, put on his coat and quickly left the house. I was numb. That’s the beginning of the new year.

— Olya, what happened? — Galya came up to me. — Where is Dimka going?
— I don’t know? He left me and left!

I could barely restrain myself from crying.
— He was jealous of Vlad.

“What’s the matter with him?” After all, he is like a brother to you, you know each other from the cradle.
— Vlad must have been drinking too much. And Dimka … he … — crying bitterly, I buried my face in my friend’s shoulder…

Galya, sympathetically, patted me on the back.

— Don’t be nervous, girlfriend. Tomorrow the alcohol will wear off, emotions will subside, and everything will get better.
“It’s over,” I sobbed. “How will you celebrate the New Year…”
My premonitions did not let me down. I didn’t find Dimka at home. His things also disappeared from the apartment, even took his toothbrush.

I was in a state of shock. Hesitating, and stepping on the throat of my own pride, I dialed his number.

— Dima, what a kindergarten! Where are you?! I shouted.
— It doesn’t matter now. I’ve decided everything. — I heard a short answer.

— What happened and why did you take all the things? I don’t understand anything!

— Leave me alone. This is not my apartment and you are not my wife. I’ll pass the keys through my friends.
— What does it mean to leave alone? Are you crazy?

— What is not clear? Consider that we have not met characters.
— Bullshit! I snorted. — Dima, I’ll explain everything! Let’s meet now and talk normally.

— I don’t want to see you, ever.
I heard short beeps and suddenly tears poured down my cheeks.

“So you’ve never loved me!”
I was angry, but I kept waiting for him. He always put up first, and I hoped that he would burn out and come back soon. January passed, followed by February – and … silence. Dimka did not answer calls.
“This can’t be happening,” I thought. “Love can’t just disappear or dissolve!”. At the same time, an inner voice whispered disgustingly: “He just never loved you! Just forget it, he’s not the only one in the world.”

And I loved him even more than before. The separation has so sharpened my feelings that sometimes it was just difficult for me to breathe without him. I was suffocating with love. “We don’t keep what we have,” I cried at night and my hope for reconciliation faded every day.

There is only one hope left for International Women’s Day. The beginning of the twelfth night. I got up from the sofa and slowly walked over to the table. That’s it, I told myself. “It’s not hard, but life goes on.” I opened the bottle and thought I was going to get drunk and go to bed. I didn’t have time to drink.

At first I heard the clacking of the key, then the door opened and I saw my beloved Dimka. In one hand he held a bouquet of red roses, and the other he held behind his back.

— Won’t you expel me? Dimka asked, smiling. How handsome he was, the best and the only one in the whole world.
I fell into his arms.

“No, no,” I whispered. — How long have I been waiting for you – day and night, and every second! I love you so much! My eyes filled with tears.

— Then you deserve a special gift. His smile was apologetic. Dimka was clearly nervous.

He held out his hand, in which he held a small red box.

— This ring is for you — an engagement ring. Do you understand what’s what? Will you marry me?

— I understand! Yes! Yes! Yes! — hugging my beloved tightly, I hung on his neck.


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