the city of Rostov the great


– Grandma, Grandma, there’s some grandpa asking for you, – Andreika’s grandson ran into the house. Valentina slowly wiped her hands, went out on the porch, putting her palm to her forehead with a visor, and began to peer at who was calling her there. There was an elderly man standing at the gate, it …

392 Read
My beautiful sweet tender girl


Larisa was spinning at the mirror, looking at herself from all sides, the dress is just wonderful. – Sveta, you’ve been kind of sad all evening, – Larisa looks at a friend who came with her to try on a dress, – has something happened? – Yes, nothing happened, let’s measure it… the bride – …

375 Read
Beautiful sweet kind affectionate girl


Angelina lived in a small house on the outskirts of the city. The girl’s parents died when she was just 9 years old. She and her grandmother Nina Viktorovna were left all alone. There were no relatives, but Nina Viktorovna, despite the fact that she retired, took over the upbringing of her granddaughter, the only …

420 Read
Wild. Male hunter in the forest, lonely


My wife called me savage. Because I refused to feel art subtly. In particular, to enthusiastically perceive performances in their avant-garde theater. In my opinion, their theater was too avant-garde, and in their performances they sometimes showed things that were very difficult to attribute to art… This, in their opinion, was called a free view …

436 Read
Male friendship

Male friendship

Vasily pressed the elevator button with a familiar movement of his hand, and sighed wearily. – Finally, the interminably long working day is over… How demanding this new boss is, – he muttered to himself. No, he won’t be able to stretch out on the couch in front of the TV. And he won’t be …

363 Read