Beautiful girl of European appearance in the garden

Unloved child

Kristina was sitting on a bench under a spreading chestnut tree in a remote corner of the old park and tears flooded her face. Bitter thoughts tormented her head, regret squeezed her chest: why is she so unhappy? What the Lord punished her for, that at 37 she feels devastated and destroyed, and has already …

705 Read
Две сестры

After the death of his wife , his father made his daughters concubines

Outwardly, everything was fine in this family. We got married as students, studied in parallel. Two beautiful girls were born – fairy-tale princesses. The affairs of the young spouses were going up. Work, and then a successful business. Holidays abroad, smiling and happy faces against the background of palm trees and the sea, prestigious cars. …

551 Read
Little sad beautiful orphan girl

Family, real and loving

Marisha never had parents. From birth, she was raised in an orphanage and could not understand why she did not have her own family. After all, you can’t give up your children, which means that her mother didn’t leave, she got sick and died. Otherwise, she would have come and taken her daughter to herself. …

419 Read
Ara parrot

Parrot revealed her husband’s infidelity

My husband and I lived for 15 years, until one day I found out about his infidelities. And the parrot that my husband bought himself told me about it. 5 years ago, my husband brought home a parrot. I wasn’t thrilled, I don’t like pets at all and wanted to send him back with the …

470 Read
Beautiful girl look piercing

Confessions of a former prostitute

This spring I will be thirty years old. I have my own business, my social circle knows me as a serious person who watches his diet, does sports and self-development and does not differ in frivolous behavior. My appearance is not far from Hollywood beauty, I say this not according to my own assessment, but …

373 Read
Lonely sad man

My wife will bring me to divorce with her tantrums and nagging

I have known my wife for quite a long time. At first we just met, then we started living together, only then we got married. After a while, our daughter was born, whom I love very much. For the sake of my girl, I am ready to do anything. I got married for great love, …

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