Gorgeous sexy woman

I couldn’t resist cheating on my beloved husband in a fit of passion

I really appreciate my husband’s love for me and therefore surround him with my tenderness and care. We live soul to soul and everyone around loves our family. I think she’s the best in the world. I love my husband Sergei very much, and he loves me very much…

Time passed.

Sergei had a good friend, Vasily. They had been friends since childhood and were, as they say, inseparable. They had a business together, and his wife, Katya, and I were very close friends.…

So, Vasily had a long–standing passion – fishing. My beloved Sergey did not really share these hobbies. And Vasily often came to visit us and told us how cool it was to sit with a fishing rod at dawn…

Nature, kebabs and, finally, he persuaded my Seryozha to go fishing with him for two days to a good place…

It was our wedding anniversary, and my beloved Seryozha persuaded me to spend this holiday in a cottage on the shore of a beautiful lake. They say there will be romance and all that. I very rarely went out of town for such events, but I gladly agreed to spend time with my beloved Sergei in a country house on the lake shore…

I imagined how good we would be together. I sent my daughter to her grandmother, and we began to get ready for this event. I found the right things to go out of town and soon everything was ready to hit the road.…

Early in the morning, Vasily picked us up on his “loaf”. The mood was magical. The weather was magnificent. We loaded everything up and hit the road.…

It took about an hour to drive on a bad road. We were shaking violently in the cabin, but thank God we finally got there…

I got out of the car. As Vasily promised us, the place was really very chic. The lake had amazing blue water. Beautiful sandy beach. There was a rather large island right in the middle of the lake. There was a small one-story house on it. There was a beautiful pine forest all around…

Just a fairy tale, not a place…

I hugged my beloved Seryozha, and we stood hugging together, admiring the beautiful view of the magical lake.

– Guys, let’s go show our house, – Vasily shouted to us and waved at us.

–Let’s go,” and we walked hand in hand, following Vasily along the shore along a wide path…

We held hands. The birds were singing merrily and the leaves were rustling. I was very glad that I agreed to come here with my beloved. After all, we’ve been out together so rarely lately.…

Soon we came to a large clearing on the shore of the lake. Closer to the forest there was a rather large two-storey house. Vasily was already greeting a big oriental man. They were talking loudly and cheerfully about something and waving their arms…

“Guys, come here,– Vasily shouted cheerfully, waving at us.

–Let’s go, let’s go,” Seryozha shouted back at him.

– This is the owner of the house, Rafik. Vasily said in a meaningful voice, gesturing at a hefty, large man with a beard.

– Hello, Sergey, – Rafik held out his hand, and they greeted each other.

– Tatiana, – I introduced myself, a little embarrassed.

I don’t know, but for some reason I was embarrassed by this big grown man at that moment.

We greeted Rafik. Rafik was a big, healthy man, about fifty years old. He had a neatly trimmed beard and a small tummy. He kissed my hand delicately. I felt his beard tickle my hand.

– Hello, beautiful Tatiana.

Rafik was smiling broadly at me.

– Hello, Sergey…

It was incredibly pleasant for me. I didn’t even remember if my hand had been kissed like that before. But no matter how hard I tried to remember, I couldn’t remember such a moment. A light pink blush immediately brightened my cheeks.

“Come in, dear guests,– Rafik said, pointing at the house.

–Thank you,” I replied politely, melting with embarrassment like a little girl.…

On the ground floor there was a large living room with a huge table. It was kind of shared. The kitchen opened onto the hall with a high bar counter. Various drinks and food could be ordered at this counter…

There was a wide staircase a little to one side, and it ended at the top with a small square landing. Three doors led to different large rooms…

Each room had its own shower and toilet…

We were allocated the largest room with a large bed and a table. From the windows of the room there was a beautiful view of the lake. In general, everything was amazing…

It was still about eleven o’clock. We checked into the room, changed our clothes and went downstairs. Rafik, having learned that we have such a holiday, promised to cook a wonderful dinner…

“How lucky your husband is to have such a beautiful woman,” he exclaimed with a bit of an accent.

–Yeah,” Sergei replied, shaking his head and looking at me, smiling.

– Today there will be a special lunch and a great dinner, – Rafik said in a solemn tone, pointing his index finger at the sky…

“Thank you, Rafik,” I smiled at Rafik.…

“I’ll do my best especially for you,” he said, looking at Seryozha and me.

But it seemed to me that he was talking to me.

“Everything will be ready by one o’clock,” Rafik assured us in a decisive tone.

– Thank you, – we answered cheerfully, and hurried to the shore of the lake.

We walked along the shore of the lake, only for us that day the birds sang. It was so good for me to walk with my beloved along the forest paths. We didn’t talk about much that day-we were already having a good time together.…

Two hours flew by like a flash, and we, quite hungry, hurried back to our house…

– Well, how was your walk? Did you like it? – Rafik met us on the doorstep, smiling warmly…

– Thank you, Rafik. You have a very good place here,” we answered almost in unison…

– Come in, dear guests, Vasily has already been waiting for you, – Rafik motioned us to go into the house.

Vasily was already sitting at the table…

– Well, finally, where are you? – He said with a joyful note.

“And we were walking,” I replied, smiling mischievously, holding Seryozha’s shoulder with both hands.

– A-a-a …, well, of course, – Vasily looked at us and smiled…

It was obvious that he was impatient to start eating…

The table was really well set. The delicious meat was piled on a large plate. There were also salads, snacks and greens. In general, everything looked very appetizing…

“We’ll be right there,” we washed our hands.

I ran upstairs, put on a beautiful light dress and went downstairs.

– Oh-oh… – Rafik clapped his hands cheerfully when he saw me in a beautiful dress… – I ask you to sit at the table, everyone is waiting only for you…

He said it in such a way that I was all embarrassed again…

– Tanyusha, take a seat here, – Seryozha pointed to the chair next to him…

– Thank you, dear, – I politely thanked Seryozha and sat down on a chair…

Rafik came out of the kitchen door, carrying a large plate in his hands…

– This meat is for us men, and especially for beautiful girls – this, – with these words Rafik solemnly brought a plate with a large lid, and put it in front of me.

He lifted the lid, and there were beautiful baked pieces of red fish on the plate.

– Oh, how sweet, – now I clapped my hands like a little girl.

I really liked the well-cooked fish, I was very happy.

– Thank you, Rafik. You are the best cook I know,” I thanked him, smiling a grateful smile…

– Don’t thank me, Tatiana. Eat well,” he said, smiling broadly. With these words, Rafik bowed and retired to the kitchen.

We began to eat. I really liked the fish. The men were eating meat with both cheeks. Rafik brought delicious homemade wine and dinner became even more pleasant. In general, everything was wonderful and delicious…

Soon Rafik’s son David arrived. Handsome, also tall, like his father, a young guy. They were kind of friends with Vasily. He joined us at the table, and the men were having fun talking about some men’s topics.

After lunch, David took us to show us various beautiful places. He chased us through the woods, and we could barely keep up with him…

Then it seemed to me that I had passed at least my weekly norm – no less…

By dinner time, we were so tired that we barely made it home.…

A festive dinner was already waiting for us. I’m wearing a beautiful dress again. There were many delicious dishes. Rafik again cooked me a delicious fish and a couple more specialties with outlandish names…

There were a lot of toasts for Seryozha and me, in general everything went great…

After dinner, Seryozha and I took a little walk along the lake shore and headed back to the house. We were so tired during the day that we fell asleep almost immediately. That’s how our little family holiday went. Well, in principle, I was very pleased…

In the morning, we were woken up by a knock on the door.

“Stop sleeping, you newlyweds, get up,” Vasily shouted from behind the door.

–Come on, stop knocking,” Seryozha shouted to him, getting up from the bed.

– The table is already set, I’m waiting for you downstairs, – Vasily persisted…

–Let’s go, let’s go,” I shouted cheerfully, jumping out of bed and heading for the shower.

Like soldiers, we washed quickly, I put on a light dress, and fifteen minutes later we were already sitting at the table…

The breakfast was very tasty. The men were animatedly discussing the upcoming fishing trip. Rafik cooked me some special dish again, and I ate it with pleasure.

– It was very tasty, – I thanked the smiling Rafik.

– Everything is for you, Tatiana, relax and enjoy nature, it is beautiful here, – Rafik said, smiling broadly.

David spent the whole day before lunch showing fishing spots, some fishing gear and the like. I followed them around like a tail, completely not understanding their conversations. And by lunchtime I was pretty tired.…

The lunch was spent discussing fishing plans and something else that was not at all interesting to me. I was very offended with Seryozha for the fact that he did not pay attention to me at all that day. Rafiq was the only one who constantly smiled at me and brought me various goodies. I was incredibly grateful to him. He constantly reminded me that I was still a beautiful, sweet girl, and not an empty place.…

After lunch, the men decided to sleep for two hours before evening fishing. Sergei immediately fell asleep, and I kept tossing and turning in bed, but soon I fell asleep too.

Two hours later, we were woken up and everything started spinning with some kind of mental speed. They ran along the shore, carrying inflatable and ordinary boats. They were preparing some kind of feeders and nets, as well as gear that I didn’t understand…

But I saw that the process was underway…

David brought some kind of branded cognac, and they kept meeting together, clinking glasses and running away again. It was funny to watch it from the sidelines. Maybe my Seryozha didn’t quite understand what was going on, but Vasily and David clearly understood a lot about it.…

Having prepared everything and put it in boats, they finally boarded them and sailed away. I decided it was better to stay out of harm’s way and look at it from the shore. Rafik brought a comfortable chair and put it on the pier for me. Less than five minutes later, he brought a small table and placed a large bowl of fruit and a bottle of wine on it…

–Thank you, Rafik, very nice,” I thanked him.

“You, Tatiana, are the queen of our lake,– he beautifully opened the bottle and poured his signature delicious wine into my glass.

– Thank you, Rafik, I am very pleased, – I was embarrassed again.

It was a little chilly in the evening, and he helpfully covered me with a warm blanket. This courtship even made me feel uncomfortable, and I tirelessly thanked Rafik for his attention to me. I was very shy, but I was very grateful to him for that.…

The weather was warm. I watched from the shore as the men on two boats set up nets. They were constantly shouting loudly and discussing something. I was drinking delicious wine and I felt incredibly good.…

Sometimes Rafik kept me company. He constantly came to see how their process was going. We had fun chatting and laughing at the men. Thanks to Rafik, he talked and looked after me in such a way that I constantly felt like some kind of little lady. And it made me feel even warmer and good at heart.…

Evening was coming, dinner was approaching. I could even see from the shore that they did not succeed in everything they planned. Rafik signaled with a flashlight in the old-fashioned way, and soon the boats slowly headed for the shore. I met my Seryozha like a sailor on the pier. But he was so excited and passionate about the fishing process that he almost didn’t notice me. I was very offended by this…

They tied up the boats, and talking animatedly about their topics, walked towards the house. Rafik, seeing this picture, delicately gave me his hand and helped me down from the pier…

“Don’t pay attention, Tanya, he’s not angry,” Rafik, smiling good–naturedly, tried to calm me down.

– Thank you, Rafik, you are a very attentive person, – sighing sadly, looking at Seryozha, not paying any attention to me, talking about something with the men, I said.

“Don’t be offended by him, he’s still a young man, he doesn’t understand a lot,” Rafik encouraged me fatherly…

– Yes, I understand, but still, no matter how we have a family holiday. We haven’t been out like this together for a very long time,” I sighed and complained to Rafik…

“Everything will be fine, Tanya, you’ll see,” Rafik encouraged me in a calm voice.

– Thank you, you are a very kind person – I thanked him again.

Cheered up a little by Rafik’s words, I headed into the house. The men, practically without changing clothes, sat down at the table and began to eat. Seryozha didn’t even wait for me. I sat down on a chair and noticed that no one was paying attention to me.…

Rafik brought me something very tasty again. And only then did I realize that my Seryozha was already completely drunk. It became clear to me that they took cognac with them to the boat and drank it well there. It was only when I was warm that I began to notice that my head was pleasantly dizzy. After all, while I was sitting on the shore, I drank almost a whole bottle…

My Seryozha practically did not drink at home at all and it was noticeable that he was well covered with unaccustomed food. But he didn’t notice it at all. They were drinking cognac with meat, and Rafik brought me some delicious liqueur. Although it was strong, it was very tasty. And it’s not bad that I got so drunk from it…

Dinner was in full swing, but my beloved Seryozha, no matter how hard I tried, did not pay any attention to me. I felt very hurt for myself. I got up and said:

– Seryozha, I’m going to bed.

I had hoped that now he would hug me and ask me to stay… but…

Seryozha only replied dryly:

– Okay, honey, good night.

And that’s it… and he continued to chat with the men again…

Even more offended, I almost cried and went up to our room…

I undressed and took a shower. I put on a beautiful nightgown and went to bed. Downstairs, the men were discussing something very loudly. The audibility was just amazing. You could even hear what they were talking about. They talked about anything but her. And I was so hoping that my beloved Seryozha would pay attention only to me all these days.

I turned to the window, and tears flowed from my beautiful eyes onto the pillow. Alcohol made my head feel pleasantly dizzy. Downstairs, the men continued to talk loudly, and I almost began to fall asleep. Suddenly I heard the door creak softly. At that moment, I was so glad that Seryozha did not forget and remembered about me. But I was very offended and decided not to even turn to him.

“Let him apologize, since he is so inattentive to his beloved wife,” I thought.

Seryozha quickly took off his clothes, and I felt him crawl towards me across the wide bed…

I really didn’t want Seryozha to see that I was crying because of him. And I pulled the edge of the blanket over my eyes. I was very offended by him at the time.…

– Go and sit with your men, what have you come for? I said resentfully.

But I was very glad that he came to me after all. I loved him so much.

Seryozha threw back the edge of the blanket and opened my little legs. He turned me onto my back and then I realized that it was not Seryozha, but Rafik…

I wanted to scream and call Seryozha for help, but I immediately realized that he would not understand me and would swear very much. Seryozha would definitely not forgive me for this.

– Rafik? And why are you here? I said in a frightened whisper.

“Hush, Tanya, or the guys will hear,” Rafik said in a low whisper…

“I thought it was Seryozha,– I whispered again, looking wide-eyed.

– I was offended, Tanya, well, nothing, – Rafik began to stroke me under the blanket.

– Seryozha is downstairs, I can’t, – I began to wail again in a low voice.

– Nothing, we won’t be long, – Rafik began to make his way higher and higher…

– But Seryozha is there, I can’t.

– Hush, Tanya, hush.

He settled down comfortably and started his business, which, in fact, is why he came here.

I had no other choice and I had to cheat on my beloved husband again…

It has been more than a year since that meeting on the train when I once again cheated on my husband. And I began to get rid of men with big tools. In order not to be heard by my husband, I had to cover my mouth with a blanket. With my eyes wide open, I lay there and didn’t know what to do. I was scared at the thought that my husband would come in and find out everything. Rafik, apparently, has not had a relationship with women for a long time and he filled me to the brim…

But for some reason, I didn’t even think to take a shower at that moment…

I lay there for about twenty minutes and suddenly I heard the voices below subside. Soon the voices were heard again, but they were coming from the open window and were getting quieter and quieter.…

And then the phone rang. I was startled all over. I picked up the phone with trembling hands.

“Did Rafik tell Seryozha everything?” a terrible thought flashed through my head.

–Yes, my love,” I said, my voice trembling with excitement.

– Bunny, I’m calling to tell you that we went further fishing. I love you, call me if you need anything.

– Okay, honey.

– Good night, baby.

– Good night, darling.

Seryozha hung up the phone. I breathed a sigh of relief. Still, Rafik didn’t tell me.

I had such a good family and a beloved husband. For me, a happy family was the most important thing in the world, and I could not even imagine the thought that I would be able to lose her…

I was lying on a big bed. The fresh summer breeze caressed my neck pleasantly. And then I heard the door creak again. I turned my head, and Rafik barely walked through the door, holding a huge tray of various food in front of him. When he squeezed through the door with this tray, he looked like a hero from the movie “The Caucasian Captive.” He had such a funny face at that moment that I almost laughed.

“Let me help you,” I said, seeing how he got tangled in something in the dark with his feet.

– Yes, thank you, Tanya, otherwise I’m going to fall.

Our bags were by the bed and Rafik almost fell over in the dark. I didn’t really eat at dinner, and therefore this late dinner was most welcome. Rafik poured me liqueurs again and made various beautiful toasts. Thank God Seryozha was busy, otherwise he would probably have been very offended at me if he found out that I was having dinner with Rafik so late…

We were having fun talking. Rafik said that he has a wife, but she has gone to her relatives and will not come soon, now he is all alone here…

In turn, I told him that my beloved Seryozha and I are never separated for a long time and that I understand how hard it is to be far from my beloved wife…

Rafik also told me about his son, and how he plans to leave this resort business to him, while he thinks about going to his homeland…

We ate, and I started to clean up the extra dishes. Rafik said he would be back for the dishes now and went out somewhere. After clearing the table, I decided to take a shower…

When I came out, Rafik was already in the room. He pulled me onto the bed. I did not expect this at all and I was sure that Rafik would not bother me anymore.…

But I was wrong.…

Rafik was such a huge and strong man that it was useless to refuse him…

And I had to give it to him again…

After it was over, we continued to eat and chat merrily on various topics. I talked about our close-knit family, about our love and how we always understand each other perfectly. Rafik told funny stories and life stories. It was fun.…

After a good rest, Rafik gave me his hand and led me back to the bed. And our love marathon continued. I have been to the peak of bliss countless times that night. The starved gap was filled to the brim with the juice of betrayal. I was very tired, my eyes closed of their own accord, and soon I fell into a deep sleep…

The phone rang and woke me up. I didn’t even realize what was going on right away. Rafik was gone, I was alone in the room. Grabbing the phone, I saw that Seryozha was calling.

– Yes, my love, – my head was barely thinking awake…

– Sorry, Tanya, the guys and I fell asleep in the bathhouse at night, we just woke up. How are you doing there? I heard Seryozha ‘s apologetic voice.…

“It’s okay, I’m walking on the lake,” I said, which was the first thing that came to my mind.…

– We’ll check the nets now, and I’ll come to you, my love.

– Yes, it’s good. I miss you, I’m waiting for you, my love,” Sergei hung up the phone and I exhaled…

I looked at my watch, it was almost two o’clock. I almost didn’t want to sleep anymore, but I decided to just lie down and rest.…

It was only an hour later that the guys sailed back. Sergei got off the boat and immediately hugged me tightly.

– I missed you very much, – Sergey hugged me tightly and stroked my head.

– Me too, very, very, – I hugged him tightly, and I felt very good at that moment…

When we came to the house, I realized that Sergei would want love. I said that I sat on the pier for a very long time yesterday, and I was very puffed up, and I don’t feel very well. And Sergei felt even more sorry for me. He felt very guilty for what he had done and did not leave my side for the rest of the time…

But it’s time to go back. We said goodbye to Rafik and David, loaded everything into the “loaf” and set off on our way back. The guys were in a great mood. Rafik gave us a huge discount, and the vacation turned out to be quite inexpensive. Strangely enough, they managed to catch a lot of fish. The entire freezer was almost completely full. Sergey was very pleased and offered to go again next weekend, but, of course, I flatly refused…

After this trip, Sergey felt very guilty for leaving me overnight and surrounding me with care and love. I really liked it. I pretended to be very offended with him. But in my heart, of course, I was not offended by Sergei at all. He drank too much then and didn’t do it on purpose…

And, of course, I soon forgave him.…

After all, he was the most beloved person in the whole world for me.…


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Aged woman, mother-in-law
My mother-in-law bought us an apartment, but issued it to herself

I love reading this column and recently read a story that reminded me of mine, well, right like two drops...

I love reading this column and recently read a story...
