Pin up girl

The girl waited for the guy from the army, but no one appreciated her loyalty

There were legends about this love. They started dating at the age of 15. We studied in the same class, sat at the same desk. No teacher in the world could seat them in different places.

When some boy, who was struck in the head by the transition age, tried to stick to Katya, then Kolya would come up and give him a forehead. No talking at all. His precocious athletic build and five years of experience in boxing allowed him to behave this way. Even though he didn’t win much.

True, blows to the head, during training, could not go in vain. Kolya studied at an average level. After the 9th grade, I went to college to study as a car mechanic. They began to meet more in the evenings.

Closer to the age of 18, Katya began to talk about the wedding more and more often. Kolya, in principle, was not against it. But he answered:

– Wait a little. I’ll go to the army, and then we’ll see how life will turn out.

Katya was willing to “wait.” She didn’t need anyone but Nikolai.

The summons came. Kolya did not run away from anyone. He immediately came to the military enlistment office and declared his full readiness to pay his only debt to his country. As befits a real man.

They did not send him to a psychiatrist, although even the employees of the military enlistment office had suspicions of adequacy. It’s not often that young men come to them with such zeal.

It was decided to send such a broad-shouldered fighter to the Airborne Forces. It’s a sin to define a two-meter guy as tankers or submariners.

The send-off was quiet. A few friends came home to Kolya with their girlfriends and Katya.

We said goodbye, hugged.

During the service, they corresponded. Nothing special. Katya swore allegiance, and Kolya, as befits a man, wrote that everything was fine. Serves like everyone else. However, he answered somehow monosyllabically and dryly. Katya attributed this to the masculinity of her future spouse. She didn’t mention the wedding in her letters. They’ll figure it out later.

He’s back. The lovers went to a cafe. Katya was infinitely happy, threw herself on Nikolai’s neck, and he pulled away a little:

– Well, what are you? People are watching. Stop it. At home.

– Let them watch! I love you so much, I’ve been waiting for you so much! I have the right.

We sat and talked.

Nikolai walked her home.

– Well, now everything will be different for us. I’ve heard that car service stations are paying decently now, so you can save up for a wedding banquet soon. My mother and I have a large room, so we will live with us, at first – Katerina made plans.

– Listen. I’m sorry about what happened, but I’m not ready yet. You see, I just got back and I need to look around a little. I haven’t decided what I want to do in life yet. Where are you in a hurry? We’ll have time to get married yet.

Katya turned white. She started crying and ran home.

Kolya didn’t even call her that day, didn’t calm her down.

I didn’t have to avoid meeting him-he wasn’t looking for her himself.

So a few weeks passed.

Meeting by chance on the street, he only said:

– Oh, hi. How are you? And I’m running to a new job. Come on, bye, I’ll call you tonight.

Kolya didn’t call. Katya was too proud to impose on someone who rejected her. Mom urged me to humble my pride, and find out everything calmly.

Common sense won.

– Hello, hello. Why are you avoiding me?

– Yes, I’m not avoiding. There’s no time to be simple.

– It’s fine! I’ve been waiting for you for a year, but you don’t have time!

– Yes, I understand, but this is the case here… I do not know how I feel about you right now. More like a sister, or something. Here I came, saw and realized that the old one was no longer there. I don’t know why. Don’t think about it, I haven’t got another one for myself. Just got cold somehow. You be patient, I need time.

She couldn’t stand it. Katya started going to nightclubs with her friends. They supported her:

– That’s right! So it’s him, the goat! So wait for them, these warriors. And they probably go to the nurses in their units. Males.

The parties began to take place with a natural conclusion in the apartments of unfamiliar guys. Kolya began to slowly but surely forget himself.

However, this is already a plot for another story.


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