Beautiful green-eyed girl in the forest

Night road

A warm summer evening was reflected in the shimmering water of a beautiful lake, on the shore of which there was a tourist base with small cozy houses, wooden canopies, outdoor tables and benches. Both houses and furniture made of solid wood did not spoil the overall appearance at all and fit well into the …


A warm summer evening was reflected in the shimmering water of a beautiful lake, on the shore of which there was a tourist base with…

Beautiful chic kind confident beloved woman

Tired of my own children

Three years ago I divorced my husband. As they say, the characters did not come together. He constantly criticized me, said that I was a bad hostess, I didn’t do much with children, that I had only clothes and parties on my mind. But all he has on his mind is work, work, work and …

Beautiful lonely woman on the street

She left her daughter for a lover. A few years later, she wanted to take the child to the capital…

The expression “single father” seems unusual to our ears. After all, everyone in society is used to the exact opposite. For example, no one is confused by the life story that a man suddenly leaves the family and the upbringing of a child falls entirely on the shoulders of a woman. But it turns out …


The expression "single father" seems unusual to our ears. After all, everyone in society is…

city pond

The wife returned home from the hospital, and there the husband and his mistress

“If you bring another one to my bed, I’ll kick her out!” thought Tanya, and immediately woke up. The room was dark. The stuffy, painful silence was broken only by the snuffling and snoring of the neighbors. – My God…, – she passed her hand over her forehead, – Why did I even think that? …

A handsome boy

Kind soul

This is a story that, for sure, can be retold with other actors and a different geography, familiar if not to everyone, then, perhaps, to a lot. This is a story about mercy. The fabulous beginning: “Once upon a time there was a boy” is very suitable here. Because the boy really lived, but not …

the beautiful city of Yoshkar-Ola

My boss

The boss was clearly furious. Ira realized this as soon as she entered his office. – Called? She asked excitedly and sat down on a chair near his desk. “Yes!” the boss said curtly, restraining himself so as not to scream. Then he took a stack of some photos and threw them under her nose. …

Night city


Angelica is a fragile young woman with lush and curly hair. She has snow-white skin and sky-blue eyes. She was unlike the others. Thoughtful, inquisitive and well-read. I always enjoyed the rays of the sun, butterflies, birds. I noticed a rainbow in the dew drops. She loved flowers. I often watched the clouds. In a …

A handsome boy

My husband brought someone else’s child into the house and said that he would now live with us

– Anyutka, we’re going to have another child, don’t even think about arguing, I’ve already decided everything! – the husband declared, having returned from work, – we will adopt the boy. – Sasha, what are you doing? We have a little daughter, we can’t handle her, and you’re offering someone else. – I’ve decided everything. …



Beautiful little girl around the flowers

A difficult childhood

My grandmother lived in the next house. Despite the fact that she lived in an apartment on the ground floor, she had a chicken coop. On the side where there was a window facing the street, there was a ladder and a fenced place where chickens lived. Neighbors tried to fight her, but since the …


My grandmother lived in the next house. Despite the fact that she lived in an apartment on the ground floor, she had a chicken coop. On the side where there was a window facing the street, there was a ladder and a fenced place where…

Beautiful girl in the garden

A minor daughter fell in love with a forty-year-old, married neighbor

Olga has two daughters, the youngest is 9 years old, and the eldest is 14 years old. Recently, the behavior of 14-year-old Julia began to change for the worse. At first Olga thought that it was the transitional age to blame. Later I realized that the reason was different. The daughter became withdrawn, not sociable, …


Olga has two daughters, the youngest is 9 years old, and the eldest is 14…

gray-haired grandmother

What about me, son? Where can I go?

Natalia Ivanovna had probably been lying for hours with her eyelids tightly closed. It would be very nice to sleep, but for some reason it didn’t work out. Memories haunted me. They annoyed me more than the constant feeling of cold in my legs. They started to freeze after the operation. Even in the hottest …

Beautiful girl look of passion

How I cheated on my husband with my boss

Once I had my own family and my husband and I were fine. Until the baby was born. Then he somehow pulled away from me, began to disappear from friends, stay late at work. No, I don’t think there was a mistress there. It’s just that he turned out to be such a careless dad. …


Once I had my own family and my husband and I were fine. Until the baby was born. Then he somehow pulled away from me, began to disappear from friends, stay late at work. No, I don't think there was a mistress there. It's just that he turned out to be such a careless dad.…

Beautiful cute girl in the middle of flowers

Mom, my husband is MY husband, not yours

When Vera appeared in the kitchen, her mother was having tea there, as always. Vera went to the refrigerator, opened it, took out Dad’s decanter, calmly poured clear liquid from it into an empty cup, and only then frowned at mom. – Will you? – What? – Mom, not believing her eyes, froze with a …

Beautiful woman at the window

She gathered her children and went out of my house

Some people swear at me here because I don’t find a common language with my husband’s parents and with my own mother, too. But for some reason no one can understand that the problem is not always in the children, it is in the attitude of parents to their children. My mom and I have …

Beautiful girl with glasses

I don’t like my mom, and she annoys me even with her presence

I do not know what happens in other families, but I have a very big problem: I cannot find a common language with my own mother. We are constantly fighting with her, we can’t find the point of contact. I don’t know how it got to the point that she doesn’t just piss me off, …

Beautiful woman my mother-in-law

My mother-in-law replaced my own mother and helped me raise my son

Since childhood, I have not had a real family, parental warmth and care. I have never seen my father, and my mother has always been interested only in the arrangement of her personal life. Feeling such injustice, even as a child, I promised myself that my own family would be completely different: a loving husband, …



Beautiful cowboy girl

She cheated on her husband to feel care and love

I love your column and periodically read it. I recently read a story about cheating, so I decided to tell you about mine. Maybe someone will look at female infidelity from the outside, and will not throw stones at each of us. I just want people to understand that betrayal sometimes throws despair. So it …


I love your column and periodically read it. I recently read a story about cheating, so I decided to tell you about mine. Maybe someone will look at female infidelity…

girl on the beach

Found myself a lover

Anna noticed this young man right away, even when checking into the hotel. He stood next to her at the check-in and smiled affably, showing off his snow-white teeth. Oh, he was a real handsome man- a tall, muscular, burning brunette- the dream of all women. And what eyes he has! Funny, perky and so …


Anna noticed this young man right away, even when checking into the hotel. He stood next…

Beautiful woman in a headscarf in winter


– Are you kidding? Nikita was amazed, “how can this be?” You’re only twenty-one years old! And why didn’t you say anything before?! Alla clung to her husband, faithfully looked into his eyes: – I was afraid that you would stop loving me and change your mind about getting married.… – And now? What are …

Beautiful couple in love guy and girl

Happiness is where love lives

It was a normal working day. Sergei walked, as always, along his route, tapping the rails. He was a wayfarer. The guy didn’t like his job, but he did everything conscientiously, never messed up, such a character. Suddenly, a train horn sounded in the distance. Sergey habitually wanted to move away from the tracks, when …


It was a normal working day. Sergei walked, as always, along his route, tapping the rails. He was a wayfarer. The guy didn't like his job, but he did everything conscientiously, never messed up, such a character. Suddenly, a train horn sounded in the distance. Sergey habitually wanted to move away from the tracks, when…

Beautiful woman in a dress feminine, sweet

Another love

– Well, that’s how it used to be. The girl liked the guy, he goes to her as a matchmaker. If he agrees with his parents, then you can take up the wedding,” said grandmother Serafima, tapping with knitting needles. – And what about love, grandmother Serafima? — Varvara asked dreamily, slowly untangling a ball …

Beautiful cheerful woman walking down the street

New life

Yana was getting married for love, and thought, forever. Everything was like in their dreams: a white limousine with rings and fluttering ribbons, a chic restaurant, flying pigeons into the azure sky, a dress from a fashion designer, fireworks in the night sky… And a wonderful future full of happiness… Which was really wonderful… for …

Lonely sad gorgeous slim cute beautiful woman confident in the park

The lover left his wife and came to me, but I don’t need him either

I’ve been married before and I don’t want to anymore. I got married for love, but very soon I was disappointed. I heard only reproaches from my husband and suffered humiliation. When they separated, I decided not to get married anymore, but to use men for health. An interesting situation has happened to me, which …

Man with a beard fisherman, look

Why is she doing this to me?

I’m not sure that someone likes to “dig” in someone else’s underwear, but I want to share with you a story from my life, which, given the mores of the modern world and our harsh realities, where loyalty, honesty and devotion are an empty phrase, can happen to anyone. While studying at the institute, or …





Irina ran around the hall like a madwoman, following the instructions of the senior manager, along with other women. Although she was just a dishwasher in this restaurant, but today was a special day, a meeting of important guests, and all the staff were attracted to the decoration and serving of the hall. After all, …


Irina ran around the hall like a madwoman, following the instructions of the senior manager, along with other women. Although she was just a dishwasher…


Confessions of a former prostitute

This spring I will be thirty years old. I have my own business, my social circle knows me as a serious person who watches his diet, does sports and self-development and does not differ in frivolous behavior. My appearance is not far from Hollywood beauty, I say this not according to my own assessment, but …


A child as a gift

Anya did not like to celebrate her birthday and today, when she turned 28, she still decided to celebrate it at work. Difficult teenage life, poverty did not go away from memories, and parents who were drunk all the time, for them the birthday of their daughter was always another reason to get drunk. Anya …

Good beautiful kind confident girl


Sasha looked at Angelina and could not believe his eyes – she was still good and had not changed at all in the last seven years. For the first time in these years, he came to the homecoming party and did not regret it at all, because he met his first love. – Sasha, dear! …


Sasha looked at Angelina and could not believe his eyes – she was still good and had not changed at all in the last seven…

Beautiful woman cute chic outdoors

When you don’t expect happiness

Margarita woke up again in an empty apartment. The sun’s rays were gently breaking through the window, but they did not please her. She had been living alone for five years. Her husband left her. The story is banal: they lived together for fifteen years, it didn’t work out with the children, and suddenly a …


Margarita woke up again in an empty apartment. The sun's rays were gently breaking through the…


That’s how it happens

I’ve been widowed for a long time, so dating sites didn’t bother me. I swam there like a fish in water. Only, while my daughter was at home, I was embarrassed to use the computer with her. Alexandra, a gold medalist, entered the budget in the capital. We both looked forward to complete freedom. Remembering …

Little girl on the night road

A girl on the road

Anya and her father Oleg were returning home late from the city. It was dark all around, there was not a single lantern around. The road passed through the forest. They tried to drive slowly so as not to crash. Anya sat and looked around. Suddenly, on the side of the road, she noticed a …


Anya and her father Oleg were returning home late from the city. It was dark all around, there was not a single lantern around. The road passed through the forest. They tried to drive slowly so as not to crash. Anya sat and looked around. Suddenly, on the side of the road, she noticed a…